How to identify fabrics

Have you ever had a similar experience: when you get the types of fabric provided by the supplier, you are not sure what kind of fiber content it is, or even whether it is what you need, and you are stuck in this kind of distress.
Here are some simple testing methods to determine the fabric based on the burning results.
At this time, you need to prepare several tools in advance: lighter, tweezers, and small sample cloth to be tested, as well as important fire extinguishing tools.

Please identify the fabric in your hand based on the following burn test:

Commonly used cloth ingredients:

Cotton, and natural fibers. : Blue smoke when burning, smell of paper, black ash

Nylon, chemical synthetic fibers: emits white smoke when burning and turns white after burning

Silk wool, protein fiber: burning smell, black ash

Acrylic chemical fiber: fire white, sometimes slightly black, fishy smell.

Polyester, chemical fiber: black smoke when burning, black after burning, aromatic smell.

Linen: Burns quickly and steadily with a yellow flame, but takes longer to ignite than cotton.
Continues to burn if flame is removed. Smells like burning paper or rope. Leaves soft, grey ash.

Acetate: Burns slowly and melts. Continues to burn if flame is removed. Smells like vinegar.
Leaves hard, black beads.


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